3 Valley Gap Hotel Chateau Revelstoke BC Canada – Hotel

This is a view of the hotel from the gardens.

Overhead view of the whole  hotel and beach along the highway.

The garden was quite nice but there was no water in the fountain or streams.

Nice view in the mountains.

The reflection off the lake is very pretty.

Some of the loft suites.

Overhead view the hotel along side the highway.

Back of the hotel and loft suites.

Overview of the outdoor garden.




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3 Valley Gap Hotel Chateau Revelstoke BC Canada – Cafe / Cafeteria

The cafe offered sandwiches, soup, hot dogs, snacks, drinks and those types of things.  In the morning they had toast and bagels and muffins.


The dining area had big windows with a nice view of the hotel, lake and mountains.

No fancy, and a little pricey what what they offered, but convent when in a hurry or just wanting a quick bite or snack.


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